To mention a little bit about work, NCCS is the oldest survivor-led cancer advocacy organization in the country, advocating for quality cancer care for all Americans and empowering cancer survivors. We believe in evidence-based advocacy for systemic changes at the federal level in how the nation researches, regulates, finances, and delivers quality cancer care. We have a legislative advocacy network that engages constituents across the country in federal cancer-related issues.
For the most part in this blog, we will attempt to leave religion and politics out of it. Cancer is a bi-partisan issue and affects everyone.
However, a fellow co-worker and long time cancer survivor said this, "This Friday, August 1 is 8/1/08. I know that doesn’t mean anything to you necessarily (given that I'm Catholic), but it does to me. In Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah), numbers have great significance. The word for "life" in Hebrew is "chai." The two Hebrew letters that make up the word "chai" are chet and yud. When looking at the numerical value of Hebrew letters, chai is equivalent to 8 and yud is equivalent to 10. So "chai", chet and yud together, equals 18."
I guess I'm telling you this b/c I do appreciate the comments and well wishes. Since I’m not symptomatic and I don’t have or feel a physical manifestation of the cancer, it is really just a mental battle right now. That to me lies the fight.